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From Full
Fledged Gangsta to Full On for God
ROCHESTER, New York, April 20 /Christian Newswire/ -- After spending time at the top of the charts with "A Chip of the Roc" under the rapper persona of Tre-Z, Todd Bangz disappeared into an abyss of addiction. Now Bangz is counting on Christ to breathe new life into his career with the release of Think it's a game/The forbidden memoirs of Todd Bangz. The album will be launched April 21st, with homage to his hip hop roots at a release party hosted by Christopher "Play" Martin, co-star of the hip hop cult classic "House Party" while the double CD hits stores nationwide on the 25th of April. "Where music was once my God, now it's my ministry," says Bangz of the new direction his life and career have been taking since he accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior. "He has changed my life and now I'm bringing His message to the streets in the language the streets understand, through music." Even hard core hip fans are getting into the groove as Bangz has been putting the pieces back together. "At first when I wasn't doing any music they'd say 'Yeah, yeah Tre's soft,'" Bangz said in a recent interview in Rochester's City "But once they started hearing my music, they said 'Oh, he didn't skip a beat. He didn't lose anything.' I actually have gotten better because now I'm not under the influence of drugs." While many fans have been rediscovering Bangz with the self distributed "The Under Ground Council" and 2004's street certified "The Under Ground Council 2", this is the first national release for the 32 year old rapper who was once courted by Def Jam. Todd Bangz's CD release show with guests B. Dill, Big Nate, R-Swift and hosted by "Play" Martin happens Friday, April 21, at The Body Shop, 14 Anson Place, 527-8356, doors at 6:30 p. m. For more information on the latest release or to arrange an interview, contact Charlyn at Charlyn@Bangtheory.biz. Clips of the album can be heard at: http://tinyurl.com/pejnh or on The Bang Theory http://www.bangtheory.biz
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