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South Dakota State Government News Tips for the week of 4/24, 2006 Office of the Governor 500 E. Capitol Ave. Pierre, SD 57501 (605) 773-3212 www.state.sd.us PIERRE, S.D. – The following are news tips from offices and agencies within South Dakota State Government: Saturday, April 22, Huron, 10 a.m. (CDT) – Gov. Mike Rounds will speak at the Grand Opening of the Dakota Provisions Plant. For more information, contact Mark Johnston, 773-3212. Saturday, April 22, Salem, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. (CDT) - The Governor’s Child Seat Program: Project 8 is designed to educate South Dakota’s parents and guardians about proper child seat use and installation. Child Passenger Safety Technicians will be available at Salem Realty to educate and demonstrate child seat use and installation. Project 8 reminds all parents and other adults responsible for children traveling in motor vehicles -- if the kids are less than 4’9” tall; they need to be in a booster seat. For more information, contact Melissa Stech, 773-6949 or visit www.state.sd.us/project8 . Tuesday, April 25, Wessington Springs, 10 a.m. (CDT) – NatashaBothun, visitor industry relations representative with the South Dakota Office of Tourism, will discuss the importance of the arts in the tourism equation at a regional arts meeting. The one-day conference, held at the Wessington Springs Opera House, 111 Dakota Ave., is sponsored by South Dakotans for the Arts, South Dakota Arts Council, South Dakota Humanities Council and the Department of Tourism and State Development. For more information, contact Nicole Pullman, 773-3301 or nicole.pullman@state.sd.us . Tuesday, April 25, Pierre, 1 p.m. (CDT) - The State Aeronautics Commission will hold its regular monthly meeting in the commission room of the Becker-HansonBuilding. An agenda can be found online at http://www.sddot.com/geninfo.asp . For more information, contact Sharon Anderson, 773-3574. Tuesday, April 25, Rapid City, 5:30 p.m. (MDT) - The South Dakota Department of Transportation will hold a public meeting to discuss the future construction projects involving the Exit 61 interchange and the realignment of Eglin Street. The meeting will be held at the SDDOT Rapid City Region Complex, located at 2300 Eglin Street. For more information, contact John Gerlach or Kent Reimann at 394-2248. Tuesday, April 25, Winner, 5:30 p.m. (CDT) - The South Dakota Department of Transportation will hold a public meeting to discuss the SD 53 construction project in southern TrippCounty. The meeting will be held at the Holiday Inn Express, located at 1360 East Highway 44. Wednesday, April 26, Pierre, 8:30 a.m. (CDT) - DENR staff will be among speakers at an environmental and manure management training for livestock producers at the Best Western Ramkota. The training provides producers required to obtain a state water pollution control permit for livestock operations information on proper manure management and how to comply with the permit. Producers not needing a permit may also be interested in attending to learn about manure management. Nearly 800 people in South Dakota have attended this training. To pre-register for the training, contact Candy Willms, 688-5141. For more information, contact Russell Persyn, SDSU Extension environmental quality engineer, 688-5144 or visit www.state.sd.us/denr/DES/Surfacewater/MMTraining.htm. Wednesday, April 26, Sioux Falls, 9 a.m. (CDT) – Gov. Mike Rounds will speak at the 8th Annual Great Plains Tribal/Federal Economic Development Summit being held at the RamkotaHotelConferenceCenter. For more information, contact Mark Johnston, 773-3212. Wednesday, April 26, Eagle Butte, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. (MDT) - The Governor’s Child Seat Program: Project 8 is designed to educate South Dakota’s parents and guardians about proper child seat use and installation. Child Passenger Safety Technicians will be available at the EagleButteWellnessCenter to educate and demonstrate child seat use and installation. Project 8 reminds all parents and other adults responsible for children traveling in motor vehicles -- if the kids are less than 4’9” tall; they need to be in a booster seat. For more information, contact Melissa Stech, 773-6949 or visit www.state.sd.us/project8. Wednesday, April 26, Rapid City, 11:30 a.m. (MDT) – The Board of Vocational Rehabilitation will hold a public meeting on Vocational Rehabilitation Services in South Dakota at the Rapid City Rushmore Plaza Holiday Inn located at 505 North Fifth Street. The public is welcome. For accommodations and information, contact Collette Wagoner, 945-2207 for local calls or 1(800) 210-0143 for toll free. Wednesday, April 26, Sioux Falls, 1 p.m. (CDT) – Gov Mike Rounds will speak at the Missouri River Energy Services Annual Meeting to be held at the Sioux FallsConvention Center, Ballroom B. For more information, contact Mark Johnston, 773-3212. Wednesday-Thursday, April 26-27, Chamberlain, 1 p.m. (CDT) - The SD Council on Developmental Disabilities will hold its quarterly meeting at the AmericInn. Agenda items include review of grant applications received for the college of Direct Support, In-service Training for Community Based Provider staff, Building Capacity and Creating Systems Change within Community Service Providers, Employment and Mini-Grants for Education and Training. For more information, contact Arlene Poncelet, 773-6369. Thursday, April 27, Pierre, 9 a.m. (CDT) - The South Dakota Transportation Commission will hold its monthly meeting in the commission room of the Becher-Hanson Building. An agenda can be found online at http://www.sddot.com/geninfo.asp. For more information, contact Laura Schoen Carbonneau, 773-5103. Thursday, April 27, Pierre, 10 a.m. (CDT) - The SD Banking Commission will hold their regular meeting in Room 412 of the StateCapitolBuilding. View the proposed agenda online at http://www.state.sd.us/drr2/reg/bank/. For more information, contact Roger Novotny, Director, Division of Banking, 773-3421. Friday, April 28, Sioux Falls, 10 a.m. (CDT) – Gov. Mike Rounds and Maj. Gen. Michael Gorman will provide the opening welcome at the 2006 South Dakota National Guard Enlisted Association and Officer Association Joint State Conference being held at the Sioux Falls Convention Center, Ballroom A & B. A variety of issues will be discussed at the conference, including health care and educational benefits that are provided to the Soldiers and Airmen of the SDNG. For more information, contact Mark Johnston, 773-3212 or Maj. Orson Ward, 737-6721. Friday, April 28, Sioux Falls, noon, (CDT) – Gov. Mike Rounds will speak at the 8th Annual Good Shepherd Awards Luncheon being held at the Good Shepherd Center. For more information, contact Mark Johnston, 773-3212. Friday, April 28, Sioux Falls, 3 p.m. (CDT) – Gov. Mike Rounds will speak to attendees at the Hadaasah Upper Midwest Region Conference being held at the Downtown Holiday Inn. For more information, contact Mark Johnston, 773-3212. Friday, April 28, Rapid City, 6 p.m. (MDT) – Gov. Mike Rounds will participate in the Club for Boys Art Action Benefit being held at the JourneyMuseum. For more information, contact Mark Johnston, 773-3212. Friday-Thursday, April 28-May 4, statewide – Forty counselors from South Dakota's ten Interstate Information Centers will participate in a familiarization tour. The counselors represent all the Information Centers near Chamberlain, New Effington, Salem, Spearfish, Tilford, Valley Springs, Vermillion, Vivian, Wasta and Wilmot. The 2006 InformationCenter training tour includes stops in central and southeastern South Dakota and Mount Rushmore National Memorial and Crazy Horse Memorial. During the swing through the state, travel counselors visit communities and attractions, and stay in hotel/motel properties while gaining valuable knowledge to cross-sell South Dakota to visitors. For more information, contact Nicole Pullman, nicole.pullman@state.sd.us or at 773-3301. Saturday, April 29, Sioux Falls, 10 a.m. (CDT) – The Foster Care Fair kicks-off the start of many other events that will occur during the month of May, National Foster Parent Month. The fair will be held at the Sioux Falls Arena, 1201 West Avenue North. The fair is held in conjunction with the volunteer organization, Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA), and provides information on ways individuals can make a difference for children in foster care. The public will also learn about different foster family programs in the community; the following agencies are involved: Department of Social Services’ Child Protection Services, Department of Corrections, Children’s Home Society, Lutheran Social Services, and Volunteers of America. Admission is free. For more information, contact Emily Currey, 773-3165 or visit www.FosterOurFuture.sd.gov . Sunday, April 30, Rapid City, 1-4 p.m. (MDT) -- The Governor’s Child Seat Program: Project 8 is designed to educate South Dakota’s parents and guardians about proper child seat use and installation. Child Passenger Safety Technicians will be available at the Rapid City Super Lube, 643 LaCrosse Street, to educate and demonstrate child seat use and installation. Project 8 reminds all parents and other adults responsible for children traveling in motor vehicles -- if the kids are less than 4’9” tall; they need to be in a booster seat. For more information, contact Melissa Stech, 773-6949 or visit www.state.sd.us/project8 .
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