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EMBARGOED UNTIL MAY 1, 2006, 8:00 AM: Freedom in China Summit 2006 WASHINGTON, April 25 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Hudson Institute in conjunction with the Institute of Chinese Law & Religion ( www.lawreligion.org ) will host a summit to promote discourse on the severely limited freedom of expression, religious freedom, and the rule of law in China. Closely following President Hu Jintao's visit to the US, this is a rare opportunity to dialogue with high-profile Chinese activists and dissidents who participate in this conference despite grave risks to their personal safety. Several previously scheduled participants have been prevented from leaving China due to the sensitive nature of the issues discussed. Participants will include writers, scholars, attorneys and others at the forefront of the human rights effort in China who continue to pioneer the movement for recognition of natural freedoms. This summit is sponsored by such organizations as Freedom House, the Ethics and Public Policy Center, Becket Fund, National Association of Evangelicals, the Institute on Religion and Public Policy and others. US participants will include Arthur Waldron, David Aikman and Bob Fu. Opening remarks will be given by Hudson Institute Senior Fellow Michael Horowitz. Event Details--- What: One-day summit composed of two panel discussions with open question-and-answer sessions. Who: Internationally renowned Chinese human rights activists and dissidents. Chinese participants will be named at a later date for security purposes. When: Tuesday, May 2, 2006 8:30 am -- 12:00 pm -- Summit 12:00 pm -- 12:30 pm -- Media Availability Conference 12:30 pm -- 1:00 pm -- Complimentary Lunch Where: Hudson Institute, 1015 15th St., NW, Sixth Floor, Washington, D.C., 20005. RSVP: 202-974-2413 or e-mail Esther Koo at esther@hudson.org Hudson Institute is a non-partisan policy research organization dedicated to innovative research and analysis that promotes global security, prosperity, and freedom. We challenge conventional thinking and help manage strategic transitions to the future through interdisciplinary and collaborative studies in defense, international relations, economics, culture, science, technology, and law. Through publications, conferences and policy recommendations, we seek to guide global leaders in government and business. For more information about Hudson Institute, visit our website at www.hudson.org .
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