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Al Qaeda's Suitcase Nukes: A Monumental Debate at the National Press Club WASHINGTON, April 27 /Christian Newswire/ -- A debate between Richard Miniter, Fox News commentator and author of "Disinformation: 22 Media Myths That Undermine the War on Terror,” and Paul L. Williams, Ph.D., award-winning journalist and author of “The Al Qaeda Connection,” and "The Dunces of Doomsday,” on the subject of al Qaeda’s possession of suitcase nuclear weapons will take place on Friday, April 28, at 10:00 A.M. in the Murrow Room of the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. The debate will be monitored by Fred Barnes, executive editor of The Weekly Standard and co- host of "The Beltway Boys.” The importance of the debate has been heightened by Khalid Sheikh Mohammad and other al Qaeda operatives in custody who testify to Osama bin Laden’s plan for an American Hiroshima, an event that calls for the detonation of seven tactical nuclear weapons in seven major American cities in the near future. These plans have resulted in bin Laden’s acquisition of a fatwa from Saudi clerics that permit the terrorist group to kill ten million American civilians. The clash between these two leading counter- terrorism experts is sponsored by Dr. Hugh Cort, a physician and prominent political activist, and Jeffrey Epstein, president of America’s Truth Forum. Following the debate, there will be a brief press conference in which Dr. Paul Williams will release startling, newly discovered information concerning al Qaeda’s nuclear arsenal. The debate will be held in conjunction with the Truth Forum’s Symposium on the Roots of Terrorism at the Doubletree Hotel in Arlington, Virginia. The two-day event also includes a Friday night VIP reception with former CIA chief James Woolsey at 7:00 P.M., and a line-up on Saturday of such noted speakers, authors, and terrorism experts as Dr. Harvey Kushner, Robert Spencer, Ken Timmerman, David Horowitz, and many others. For further information, contact America’s Truth Forum at its website ( www.americastruthforum.com ) or by calling Jeff Epstein, President, America’s Truth Forum, 860-537-0211.
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