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Tornado Inspires Homeschooling Family's Prize-Winning Audio Drama CANMER, Kentucky, May 2 /Christian Newswire/ -- A homeschooling family's audio dramatization of the largest tornado in US history has been chosen as the winning entry in the Third Annual "Make Your Own Radio Show" competition sponsored by www.homeschoolradioshows.com. The Claesson family of Lincoln, NE, wrote, directed, and performed "The Hallam Tornado", which tells the true story of a 2.5 mile wide monster tornado that destroyed the small town of Hallam, NE in 2004. "We live close to Hallam, and remember the night of the tornado," said Marcia Claesson, who with daughters Carmen (13) and Monica (11), researched, wrote, and performed the audio drama. "We know people who were affected by the tornado. So we thought it would be interesting to research and create a program about it." Aided by newspaper reports and a first-hand account written by a local tornado spotter and volunteer fire fighter, the Claessons produced an audio drama that recreates the harrowing evening when Hallam (population 235) disappeared from the map. "It turned out to be a more powerful story than we expected," said Marcia's husband Evert, who recorded the family's performance on his home computer and added sound effects that make the tornado itself seem all-too-real. "We had a great time putting this together as a family project." The Claessons' entry won First Prize in the Third Annual "Make Your Own Radio Show" competition, sponsored by www.homeschoolradioshows.com, a popular homeschooling website offering classic "family friendly" educational radio programs via the internet. "We started the competition to promote audio stories as a learning tool, and to provide a creative outlet for homeschoolers," said Jim Erskine, who runs the site from the family's rural Kentucky homestead. "We've had entries from families across the US and around the world. Every year, the programs just keep getting better and better." Other winning entries in this year's competition include: "Seasons", a story of two friends separated by the Civil War; "Extreme Heart Makeover", a humorous spiritual "reality show"; and "Riches in a Poorhouse", the story of a spoiled rich girl who discovers great wealth in the poorest of homes. The prize-winning "homemade" radio programs from this year's competition may be heard through the end of May at http://www.homeschoolradioshows.com
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