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Democrat-Controlled Committee Mandates Transsexuality, Bisexuality,
Homosexuality Be Promoted To All California Public Schoolchildren
SACRAMENTO, May 3 /Christian Newswire/ -- Textbooks celebrating transsexuality, bisexuality, and homosexuality are coming to California schoolrooms, if Democrats in the California State Senate get their way. On Wednesday, the Democrat-controlled Senate Education Committee passed SB 1437, which would teach all schoolchildren, even in elementary grades, to support all forms of transsexuality, bisexuality, and homosexuality. Voting “yes” to pass SB 1437 were six of the committee’s Democrats -- Jack Scott, Alan Lowenthal, Gloria Romero, Joe Simitian, Nell Soto, and Tom Torlakson. The sole Republican in attendance, Bill Morrow, spoke against SB 1437 in committee and voted “no.” The bill now goes to the Senate floor. More than 100 pro-family Californians packed the committee room, outnumbering homosexual activists in attendance. Among those testifying was Randy Thomasson, president of Campaign for Children and Families, a leading California-based pro-family organization, who warned that “this bill pushes transsexuality upon schoolchildren.” Also testifying were other pro-family organizations and citizens. “SB 1437 turns every school into a sexual indoctrination center,” said Thomasson. “This bill isn’t about ‘safety’ or ‘discrimination,’ it’s about leading children into sexual confusion. Democrat politicians are mentally molesting impressionable kids as young as kindergarten. Parents send their children to school for academics, not for transsexual, bisexual, or homosexual indoctrination. SB 1437 means schools will promote same-sex ‘marriages’ and even sex- change operations to kids. The voters won’t stand for this.” In its text, SB 1437 reads “no textbook or other instructional materials...shall be adopted...that reflects adversely upon...gender...sexual orientation.” This authorizes the California Department of Education to sue any school district that does not promote or positively portray transsexuality, bisexuality, and homosexuality in textbooks, instructional materials, and school-sponsored activities. This is because SB 1437 defines “sexual orientation” as including bisexuality, and strangely defines “gender” as “a person’s gender identity and gender related appearance and behavior whether or not stereotypically associated with the person’s assigned sex at birth,” meaning transsexuality, transvestitism, cross-dressing, etc. The text of SB 1437 also requires all social studies textbooks to “study the role and contributions of... people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender...with particular emphasis on portraying the role of these groups in contemporary society.” Yet, at Wednesday’s hearing, Democrats on the committee tried to conceal these new role models. “It’s not promoting anything,” said Senator Gloria Romero of Los Angeles. “It doesn’t promote,” parroted Senator Alan Lowenthal of Long Beach. “This bill obviously promotes all kinds of sexual lifestyles to impressionable kids,” said Thomasson. “The Democrat-controlled Legislature seems hell-bent on attacking local schools, parents, and their innocent children, by sexually indoctrinating them at young ages. Governor Schwarzenegger should speak up and assure parents that SB 1437 is dead meat if it reaches his desk. Children don’t need the History of Sex according to Playboy or the History of Sex according to the California State Legislature.” CAMPAIGN FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES (CCF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, nonpartisan educational organization representing children and families in California and America.
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