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Are you a
Survivor? On January 22, 1973, The United States Supreme Court legalized abortion on demand. The decision is called Roe vs. Wade. We call it Death Roe. About one fourth of our generation has already been wiped out, And the executions continue at the rate of over 3000 a day. If you were born after that date, you are one of the unchosen. You are a Death Roe Survivor. This is the fresh message that Life Dynamics, Inc., a Denton, Texas based Pro-Life organization, wants to convey through a brand new website. “We have seen amazing growth in the pro-life community because many young people are coming into the pro-life movement. We have identified these people as Death Roe Survivors,” said Mark Crutcher, president of Life Dynamics. Crutcher said that he researched this huge influx of pro-life young people and discovered that they wanted “their own place” within the pro-life movement. He said they told him that because they could have been killed by abortion, they are unique from the existing pro-life community. Death Roe Survivors are identified as those born after the infamous Roe vs. Wade decision of 1973, which legalized abortion, and can include anyone from infants on up to thirty-year-olds. Young people on the DeathRoe.com website can link up with other pro-life groups at high school and college campuses through the Survivor Nation resource list. They can debate the abortion issue on the DeathRoe.com forum. The website also features a page called RoeBots. This term is defined on the website as “a man or woman characterized by an unlimited capacity for ignoring proven biological realities while chanting the pro-abortion "party line." RoeBots on DeathRoe.com is a great resource for research, with well-documented pro-abortion quotes from the abortion industry, pro-abortion organizations, and cultural icons like actors and musicians. Young people on the DeathRoe.com website give testimony to the fact that they are the first generation in American history to be born at a time when our nation said that their life had no value. Death Roe Survivors articulate the message that whether their mother’s considered abortion or not they are still Death Roe Survivors because they could have been legally aborted. Death Roe Survivors post their views and their pictures on the Death Roe.com “WALL” and eloquently write their thoughts on this topic with astounding insight: One Death Roe Survivor wrote, “My name is Kate and I was born on May of 1985 and I am a DeathRoe survivor. My mom had an abortion soon after she had me. If I were conceived just a year later than I was, I wouldn't be here today.” Another says, “I think about how easy it would be for me to not be here. All it would have taken was for my mother to have made an appointment, and I would be gone. I would not exist. No one would hear my voice.” And this Death Roe Survivor summed up the feeling many young people have by writing; “It’s crazy knowing that an entire 3rd of our Generation is missing. It does greatly help me to value my life when I forget how lucky I am to be here alive today...a "DEATH ROE SURVIVOR" It also makes me realize even more that God has a huge destiny for my Generation.” The DeathRoe.com website is being promoted by word of mouth throughout the Death Roe Survivor community. They wear Death Roe “Gear” such as Death Roe Survivor T-shirts where the text, colors and design combine to deliver a powerful statement to everyone who sees it. The front of the shirt states, “Death Roe Survivor, my execution authorized 01-22-1973, with DeathRoe.com on the back.” The shirt is designed to drive people to the website. The Death Roe Survivor bracelet has been very popular. It is made of a brushed heavy-gauge stainless steel and bears the inscription: Death Roe Survivor 01221973. The bracelet message is a perfect conversation starter and has opened doors to the pro-life message that were simply not open in the past. Another terrific aspect to the DeathRoe.com website is the free artwork downloads. The Death Roe Survivor logos are well done and eye catching and are available free of charge to those who want to spread the Death Roe Survivor message on their blogs, websites, newsletters, and more. DeathRoe.com has only been launched a few weeks but the response has been spectacular. People from all over the world are starting to mimic the Death Roe Survivor message. Death Roe Survivors on popular websites such as: “ Xanga” and “My Space” are adding the DeathRoe.com artwork to their blogs. The Death Roe message will transform this generation of young people to the plight of the unborn child, the plight they both have in common: One survived and one didn’t. Those who survive abortion are known as Death Roe Survivors and are speaking out in a new and inspiring way. Visit www.DeathRoe.com to read what they have to say. To contribute to the Death Roe Survivor Project: Contact Life Dynamics PO BOX 2226 Denton, TX 76202 940-380-8800 Mark@prolifeamerica.com
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