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CWA: New Documents Prove Clinton's Pro-Abortion Agenda WASHINGTON, May 11 /Christian Newswire/ -- Concerned Women for America (CWA) is not surprised that new documents have been found which prove that former President Clinton promoted his pro-abortion agenda by rushing the approval process of a dangerous abortion drug, RU-486. Thousands of documents were obtained by Judicial Watch from the Clinton Presidential Library which confirm that the Clinton White House cared little about women’s health or safety. “These new documents verify what we’ve been saying all along: The Clinton administration turned a blind eye to women’s safety in order to accommodate pro-abortion advocates,” said Lanier Swann, CWA’s Director of Government Relations. “They fast tracked the approval process in order to rapidly approve RU- 486 without giving the drug careful consideration. Sadly, at least 6 women and hundreds of thousands of unborn babies have lost their lives because of their negligence. The drug should never have been put on the market, and women and families have paid a dear price with their lives. “Clinton’s FIRST official act was to pressure the FDA to approve this radically dangerous drug. That should send major red flags as to his agenda from day one. Unfortunately, the FDA succumbed to his pressure and failed to do their job of protecting women from a deadly drug. Clinton and his administration organized a full-fledged campaign to coax companies everywhere to implement and market this drug. “It is now the duty of Congress to conduct a thorough investigation to get to the bottom of the unethical actions performed under Clinton’s watch. Both Clinton and the FDA should be held accountable for their careless disregard for women and failure to put the American people’s interests above their own. Concerned Women for America (CWA) is the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization.
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