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Executive Director of Foundations of Law PAC Rebukes President’s Immigration Speech PHILADELPHIA, May 16 /Christian Newswire/ The following statement from Steven T. Voigt, Foundations of Law PAC Executive Director, is in response to President Bush's address to the nation on immigration: It was a classic head-bob to the right followed by a dash to the left. In his Monday night address to the nation, the President outlined what would be an entirely ineffective plan to secure the border and then all but endorsed the wayward Senate plan for mass amnesty. If enacted, the Senate’s plan, which places illegal aliens in one of three tiers based on the number of years they have resided in America, would quickly turn into a bureaucratic boondoggle. Accurately ascertaining the date when illegal aliens arrived is impossible, and a federal scheme to do so would only waste billions of dollars of taxpayer money. After all, what is to stop someone who yesterday slipped across the border from today claiming that he has indeed been living and working here for two years or even five years? Do we have the resources to haggle over millions of such claims in a court of law? Plainly, the only realistic answer to the illegal alien crisis - and the one answer that our present leadership seems all too willing to dodge - is to secure the borders, enforce existing immigration laws, and to punish employers that employ illegal aliens. Nothing less than this is acceptable. No amount of feel good phraseology from the President and the Senate is a substitute for meaningful action. The President’s claim that enforcing the law would necessitate “mass deportation” is disingenuous and designed to stir unrealistic fears. If we first secure the borders and then punish employers who employ illegal aliens, the huge pool of illegal aliens in nation will dwindle by attrition, as illegal aliens return home voluntarily without any forced displacement by the federal government. The bottom line is that America’s public servants will either start protecting America and enforcing our laws, or the American people will simply leave them behind. If our path is the latter, then let us hope that the out-of-touch elites who dominate both sides of the aisle do not inflict too much irreparable harm on America before we finally find statesmen who truly put American interests first Standing . . . Steadfast for America, Steven T. Voigt
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