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5/23/2006 Dr. Alveda King, Fr. Tom Euteneuer and Bobby Schindler Featured at Vandalia, Illinois Event VANDALIA, Ill., May 23 /Christian Newswire/ -- Our Sorrowful Mother's Ministry presents "A Day of Reflection & Hope" with Dr. Alveda King, Martin Luther King's niece; Bobby Schindler, Terri Schindler Schiavo's brother and Fr. Tom Euteneuer, President of Human Life International. Event Details--- When: Saturday, August 19, 2006, 10 AM concluding at 4 PM Where: Vandalia Jr. High School, 101 W. Fletcher Street, Vandalia, Illinois (one hour east of St. Louis ) Who: Dr. Alveda King (Martin Luther King's niece); Bobby Schindler (Terry Schindler Schiavo's brother); and Fr. Tom Euteneuer (President of Human Life Int'l) Public Admission to this event is $35 Additional event: Optional Opening Catholic Mass with Fr. Tom Euteneuer at 8:00 am at Mother of Dolors Church, 7th & St. Clair Streets, also in Vandalia. Dr. Alveda King is the daughter of the late slain civil rights activist Rev. A. D. King and the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Alveda is a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, serving as Director of African American Outreach for Gospel of Life, headed up by Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life. She will share her account of suffering from two abortions, one voluntary and one involuntary. Dr. Alveda C. King founded King for America, Inc. "to assist people in enriching their lives spiritually, personally, mentally and economically." “Perhaps the most compelling issue of all is the life of the unborn," Alveda says. "Faith in God, and the commitment to fulfill His will for our lives -- not faith in government bureaucracy - is the key to positive action. Have faith in God!" Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer (EYE-ten-our) became president of Human Life International in December of 2000. Human Life International is the world’s largest pro-life organization with affiliate offices and associates in seventy-five countries around the world. In five years of service to this unique mission Fr. Euteneuer has traveled more than 500,000 miles as a pro-life missionary and visited more than forty countries. Bobby Schinder, with his parents and sister, Suzanne, defended his sister Terri from a court- ordered starvation for years. Their fight to save Terri eventually gained the support of Florida's governor and state legislature, the US Congress, and the president. In the end, the state court succeeded in killing Terri. Bobby has appeared on most every nationally known radio and television network.
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