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Plundering our Votes and Pillaging our Trust
PHILADELPHIA, May 24 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is a statement released by Steven T. Voigt, Foundations of Law PAC Executive Director: “The barbarians are more than through the gate; they have ransacked our great halls and crowned themselves kings.” These words may appear to arise from a fiction novel, but sadly, they are all too real. The tragedy they describe is one of trust followed by treachery. Several years ago, our conservative banner rose atop the walls of the Senate and the White House. As it did, our hopes surged. Change was surely at hand. Today, however, we dwell in the pages of a much later chapter of betrayal, when the happy ending seems far from certain. Our once-proud banner is tattered and cast down, and the gates of our leaders’ halls are locked before us. We are not welcome anymore. Indeed, as the present amnesty debate in the Senate so readily illustrates, left-wingers and liberals already control the Senate in number, even if not in name. Likewise, the White House seems deaf to the voices of those who secured two Republican presidential victories. Nonetheless, the will of the American people remains strong. Rest assured, we will leave behind the politicians who abandoned us, and it will be as simple as turning a page of a story. Like bad character actors who appear but once in a book or a movie, the senators who have failed us will fade into history. Today, those in the Senate and elsewhere on Capitol Hill have only a short while left to prove that they are worthy to be our public servants and our advocates. With the disgraceful concept of granting amnesty to illegal aliens playing out right now in the Senate, the GOP will never again get a free pass from its conservative base. GOP senators have only themselves to blame if they lose their seats in the fall. Our leaders – if they intend to remain as such – must secure the border, enforce existing immigration laws, and reject misguided amnesty proposals. Beyond the immigration issue, we must ask: Over the past few years, have the Democrats-in-GOP-clothing met our expectations and lived up to the reasons why we put them in office? Tax reform, tort reform, traditional family values, protecting the unborn, opposing free trade agreements that send middle- class jobs overseas into foreign sweatshops, shrinking the federal bureaucracy – on these issues, what have our senators accomplished? You already know the answer. I long for the pages to turn - to leave behind this sad chapter and travel onward with hope and promise. In this epic struggle, it is only a matter of time before our faith and hope at long last prevail, but every day with these do-nothing liberal elites in power is another day of squandered opportunity. Today, you can begin the battle to take back our great halls on the hill. Right now, please call and email your senators and urge them to vote “no” on the Hagel-Martinez amnesty bill (S. 2611). Send them a message. Make them hear you. May the walls of their ivory towers tremble from a united chorus of your battle horns. Thank you for your time. I stand with you . . . Steadfast for America, Steven T. Voigt, Esquire Executive Director Foundations of Law PAC © 2006 Steven T. Voigt, All Rights Reserved
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