Voices From Quake Zone World Vision Aids 7,000 Children and Adults in
Plans to Reach Thousands More JAKARTA, Indonesia
May 31 /Christian Newswire/ -- As
World Vision's relief team continues to distribute aid to survivors of
Saturday's 6.3 earthquake in Indonesia, they are witnessing scenes of
ongoing grief, shock, and devastating loss.
Following are notes from James East, World Vision's
regional communicator, who has been assisting on the ground in Yokyakarta,
Indonesia, since Sunday.
"My youngest child, Iqbal, didn't speak or play for
two days. He doesn't want to eat. He is very afraid. I tell the
children, 'We don't have the house but we have ourselves.'" --Sri
Mulyani, 32, mother of three ( photo)
"We are very, very sad. People have been crying. We
cannot think about anything. The people living in this village don't own
any land. We hire ourselves out for work so we cannot afford to build
the houses up to the same quality. Until we can rebuild we will have to
live in tents." --Rukun Yiyanto, 42, elder in Sri's village
"We can't concentrate; we can't think about anything.
...We are waiting for help."--Villagers in Kotesan village, Yogyakarta
"It's very warm at night. And the mosquitoes are a
problem." --Two Kotesan families, 12 people in all, sharing a small,
makeshift shelter
"We can barely afford our daily living."--Kotensan
villager's answer when asked if he will have the money to rebuild his
World Vision's 15-member relief team distributed
emergency items to some 7,000 children and adults in the first few days,
and plans to help more than 20,000 additional survivors over the coming
week. Items have included tarps, blankets, hygiene kits, cooking
supplies, clothing, and high-energy biscuits for children under five.
World Vision also plans to support overwhelmed health
centers in the area by distributing medicine, stretchers, hygiene kits,
tents, intravenous solutions, and other key medical supplies.
World Vision is a Christian relief and development
organization dedicated to helping children and their communities worldwide
reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty. We serve the
world's poor -- regardless of a person's religion, race, ethnicity, or
gender. For more information, please visit
www.worldvision.org .
