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6/05/2006 Christian
Coalition Asks Supporters to Call Both of Their Senators to Urge Them to
Vote for Marriage Protection Amendment
WASHINGTON, June 6 /Christian Newswire/ -- Christian Coalition of America is asking its supporters to call both of their Senators to urge them to vote for the Marriage Protection Amendment, S. J. Res. 1, sponsored by Senator Wayne Allard, (R-CO), when it comes up for a vote which is expected sometime on Wednesday. Although not expected to garner the 67 votes to pass an amendment to the United States Constitution, the vote will put all 100 Senators on record as to whether or not they agree with over 70% of the American people who have voted against homosexual "marriages." Indeed, most political analysts believe that the Democrat Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle, from the "Red State" of South Dakota was defeated because of his vote against the Marriage Protection Amendment just 2 years ago. It is expected that a certain number of "Red State" Senators who vote against the MPA will be defeated during the next few elections. Christian Coalition will be scoring this week's Senate vote to protect marriage between one man and one woman in its 2006 Congressional Scorecard. Christian Coalition agrees with President George W. Bush when he said in his radio address on Saturday, "Marriage is the most enduring and important human institution, honored and encouraged in all cultures and by every religious faith." Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, (R-TN), said about this week's Senate vote on the constitutional amendment to protect marriage in today's "The Boston Herald": "I support this Marriage Protection Amendment for a simple reason: Marriage between one man and one woman does a better job protecting children — better than any other institution humankind has devised. As such, marriage as an institution should be protected, not redefined. Americans know this and, throughout the country, they have supported proposals to uphold the traditional definition of marriage. During the 2004 elections, 11 states approved constitutional amendments to protect the traditional definition of marriage. In all, 19 states have passed marriage protection amendments to their constitutions. In 2004, most proposals received over 70 percent of the vote; none got less than 57 percent.... Marriage ranks as one of our most important social institutions. Americans have made it clear that they want to protect it against activist judges like those who sit on the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts." In Ohio -- which gave President Bush his electoral vote victory in 2004 -- 17% of African-Americans (almost double the national average), who also voted for the state constitutional amendment banning homosexual "marriages", voted for President Bush. Seven more states have constitutional amendments banning homosexual "marriages" on their ballots this fall and 9 more states are considering such amendments. Each of these states will overwhelmingly pass these amendments. The American people have overwhelmingly expressed their views on this issue through the ballot box and it behooves United States Senators to listen to their constituents on this most important issue. ACTION ITEM: Call both of your Senators at 202-224- 3121 or you can go to http://www.cc.org/contactcongress.cfm and urge them to vote to break the filibuster of the Marriage Protection Amendment (MPA), S. J. Res. 1, and then to vote for the MPA on the Senate floor this week.
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