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Should the U.S. Supreme Court Give Each State the Ability to Decide Roe v. Wade? SAN DIEGO, June 7 /Christian Newswire/ -- In what may be one of the greatest legal blunders to be perpetrated by a well meaning and compassionate pro life community, many believe that overturning Roe through the courts is the best course of action to stop the horrific practice of killing the unborn. Many have believed that by putting in strict constructionist judges, they will be the greatest guarantee of overturning the decision that has deprived pre born children their 14th amendment right to life. "Nothing could be further from the truth" so says Phil Magnan, Director of Biblical Family Advocates. "By allowing the courts to decide Roe, legal abortion is destined to go back to the states to decide, thus allowing abortion to continue in many states like California, who have placed the right of abortion into their constitution. Even though there will be States that decide against legal abortion, many will still have abortion available in their neighboring States, so the carnage of abortion will continue." Some will say that by throwing the decision of legalized abortion back to the States, abortion will at least be reduced. But Magnan responded, "But historically speaking, the decision of slavery was not decided by giving it back to the States. Could you imagine slavery still being legal in the South? "The 13th amendment took that decision from the states because slavery should not be legal in any state, affirming that no person should be treated like property. So why should children continue to be treated as property in some states, thus violating the 13th amendment? It is not for the States to decide Roe if abortion should be legal, it was already decided when the 14th amendment was passed, stating that no one should be deprived of their life without due process. And I have yet to see a pre born commit any crime, unless sucking your thumb in the womb is a crime." What also continues to not be addressed in this battle
for the lives of millions of children in the womb is that Congress itself
could Constitutionally overturn the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court.
These facts can be seen in an article written by conservative Christian
radio show and columnist, Chuck Baldwin. Magnan continued "The Congress has conveniently ignored their authority to overturn Roe once and for all, thus continuing the judicial tyranny that is destroying our representative government and destroying over 4000 children a day. Their lack of moral and spiritual courage is quite revealing, showing that most are not morally conservative in the truest sense of the word. They have been disingenuous and apparently they say that they are against abortion, but do nothing with their authority to stop it, thus breaking their oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution. Should not the American people remind the current administration we are all endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, which includes life? It is truly sad that we must remind them of this."
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