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6/08/2006 Arizona Governor Again Vetoes Illegal Immigration Reform PHOENIX, AZ (June 6, 2006) – Chris Simcox, President of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps (“MCDC”), issued the following statement on the veto today by Governor Janet Napolitano of the crucial illegal immigration bill passed by the Arizona legislature: “Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano today has dealt a serious blow to border security and America’s sovereignty by ensuring that the Arizona border with Mexico remains wide open and the attractive nuisance of endless welfare and social programs at the expense of the American taxpayer remain in place. A key part of the Republican budget Gov. Napolitano vetoed today includes a border security measure which allocates $50 million for a radar system to detect illegal border crossers, $55 million for local communities to use for costs related to illegal immigration and border enforcement, and several million dollars related to employer sanctions to go after businesses that purposely employ illegal aliens. “Gov. Napolitano has signed veto after veto after veto of every substantive measure passed by the Republican-led Arizona legislature to combat a terrorist infiltration at the border, a tsunami of migrants and an unprecedented crime wave by drug smugglers, thieves, rapists, human traffickers and murderers who cross our frontier at will. Her actions are a disgrace to the office of Governor of Arizona.” The measure includes the following major border enforcement provisions: Providing for technology to address the flood of illegal border crossers with $50 million over the next two years to facilitate a high-tech radar detection system at the border. Deployment of National Guard to the border with a $10 million appropriation to perform actual National Guard responsibilities. Denies public benefits to illegal aliens and prohibits any government entity in Arizona to accept any identification unless it was issued by a U.S. state or federal authority, or federally recognized Indian tribe. Grants to local agencies of $55 million to assist in border interdiction, enforcement and detention. Grants are awarded by the Arizona Border Enforcement Security Team made up primarily of local law enforcement officials. Ending any sanctuary policies that may exist in counties, cities and towns, requiring political subdivisions to support full compliance of laws related to illegal immigration. $28.8 million to the Gang & Immigration Task Force which includes funding for 100 new DPS officers for border enforcement. Prohibits illegal aliens from participating in various social welfare programs. Illegal aliens and the businesses that hire them now face consequences for flaunting U.S. law. HB 2577 provides for employer sanctions for businesses that knowingly employ illegal aliens, including fines, penalties and possible revocation of business license. (Includes additional $2 million to the Attorney General for enforcement). Creates a secondary offense for criminal trespass in Arizona by virtue of entering and remaining in the state illegally with the first offense being a misdemeanor. Provides a tool by which local law enforcement can either refer offenders for prosecution or transfer them to federal authorities. Clarifies that peace officers are permitted to enforce federal immigration laws. Addresses the environmental impact of illegal immigration with $850,000 for prisoner clean-up crews and $200,000 for an environmental impact study of the effects of illegal immigration. To the extent money is made available from the federal government for border enforcement, border initiatives will be funded by federal dollars. ###
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