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VoteYesForLife.com Taking Message of Protecting Women’s Health and Human Life to South Dakota July 10 /Christian Newswire/ -- VoteYesForLife.com, the campaign in support of a yes vote on Referred Law 6, has announced plans to tour the State of South Dakota. “The science shows that abortion hurts women and kills a living human life,” said Leslee Unruh, campaign manager for VoteYesForLife.com. “That is why the Women’s Health and Human Life Protection Act was passed; why South Dakotans will vote yes on Referred Law 6.” The VoteYesForLife.com campaign has scheduled stops in Mitchell, Watertown, Aberdeen, Pierre, and Rapid City. At each stop a press conference will introduce the campaign themes; discuss what South Dakota will be like when voters support Referred Law 6 by voting yes; look at the hard cases; and recognize the pro-life legislators that made the Women’s Health and Human Life Protection Act possible. Voter registration will be conducted at all stops on the tour. Fundraising receptions will follow each rally. Tour Locations, Dates and Times are: Mitchell Wednesday, July 12 Corn Palace 12 noon to 12:30 Watertown: Wednesday, July 12 Past Times Coffeehouse and Deli 16 West Kemp 6 to 6:30 PM Pierre: Thursday, July 13 South Dakota Right to Life Headquarters 314 S. Central St. 6 to 6:30 PM Aberdeen: Thursday, July 13 Ramada Inn 12 noon to 12:30 Rapid City: Friday, July 14 Civic Center Parking lot 12 noon to 12:30 Paid for by VoteYesForLife.com, PO Box 461, Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57101, Jim Miles, Treasurer.
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