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8/01/2006 South Dakota Game Fish and Parks News for August 1 •Schedule change for GFP Commission hearing Schedule change for GFP Commission hearing PIERRE, S.D.—A light agenda has caused a scheduling change for the next meeting of the South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Commission. The commission will be meeting for just one day, Thursday, Aug. 3, at the Ramkota RiverCentre in Pierre. Consequently, public hearings originally set for 2 p.m. Thursday have been moved to 10 a.m. Thursday. The commission will be considering changes in the hunter depredation pool and the goose and duck hunting seasons. The full text of the finalizations the commission will consider can be found on the GFP Web site at http://www.sdgfp.info/Commission/Proposals.htm . Anyone with comments on the changes in the hunter depredation pool or the duck and goose hunting seasons should e-mail them to wildinfo@state.sd.us . --GFP— Take A Break At A South Dakota State Park Special Event PIERRE, S.D. – No time to get away? Take a mini vacation at a South Dakota state park. Several special events will take place across the state on Saturday, Aug. 12 that offer activities for the entire family. “Coffee Club Heart Walk” Walk in the Park, 8:30 a.m. at Oahe Downstream Recreation Area near Fort Pierre. This two-mile walk is a great opportunity to get some fresh air, socialize and take part in some heart-healthy exercise. Coffee will be available following the walk courtesy of the Oahe Downstream Marina and Resort. Participants should meet at the marina parking lot. Info: (605) 223-7722 “Walking through History” Walk in the Park, 10 a.m. at Pickerel Lake Recreation Area near Waubay. On this guided walk, we’ll learn the history of the area and of Pickerel Lake. Info: (605) 486-4753 Sand Volleyball Tournament, 1 p.m. at Farm Island Recreation Area near Pierre. Get a team together and try your hand at sand volleyball. Lots of fun, sun and sand to be had. Info: (605) 773-2885. “Bugs and Butterflies” Walk in the Park, 6 p.m. at Indian Creek Recreation Area near Mobridge. Come discover the many bugs we live with, including how they are helpful and what they do for us. We’ll also discuss the different types of butterflies and when and where they migrate. Info: (605) 845-7112 4th Annual Street Masters Car Show and Ice Cream Social, 7 p.m. at Oahe Downstream Recreation Area near Fort Pierre. Join us for a night of classic cars, custom cruisers and chrome. While you check out your dream vehicle, you can also cool off with some ice cream. Info: (605) 223-7722 Star Party and Meteor Watch, 9 p.m. at Palisades State Park near Garretson. We’ll cast our eyes to the sky to catch a glimpse of the Perseid Meteor Showers, which occurs annually each August. We’ll also learn about the stars, planets, constellation and other celestial sights. Info: (605) 594-3824 “Owl Moon” Walk in the Park, 10:30 p.m. at Lewis and Clark Recreation Area near Yankton. The setting sun may be your signal to head to bed, but these critters are just getting started. On this guided walk, we’ll listen for owls and learn to identify them by their sounds. Info: (605) 668-2985 There is no cost to participate in any of the activities, although a park entrance license is required. Participants are encouraged to wear suitable shoes, dress for the weather and apply insect repellant. The four Walk in the Park programs are part of a series of educational, guided hikes held throughout the year in South Dakota state parks, recreation areas and nature preserves. Park staff and volunteers lead the programs, which are co-sponsored by the SD Departments of Health and Education. For more information on the Walk in the Park program or SD state parks, please visit www.SDparks.info or call (605) 773-3391. -GFP - Adams Homestead and Nature Area Celebrates Anniversary with Games, Crafts PIERRE, S.D. – Adams Homestead and Nature Area will celebrate its ninth anniversary as a South Dakota state park on Saturday, Aug. 12, with the annual Adams Homestead Celebration, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The celebration features homestead-style family activities, including a threshing machine demonstration, corn shelling, face painting, candle making, tin punching, spatter painting, rope making and more. Entertainment will include storytellers, musicians and tours of the homestead. In addition, visitors are encouraged to take part in the watermelon seed spitting contest and the buffalo chip throwing contest. The celebration also offers visitors a chance to explore the nature area and learn about the homestead’s rich history. All activities, presentations and entertainment are free. Food and refreshments will be available for purchase. A park entrance license is not required. Adams Homestead and Nature Area is located near North Sioux City, off exit 4 on Interstate 29. For additional information, contact the Adams Homestead and Nature Area at (605) 232-0873. -GFP- Kids’ Day Camp at Angostura Focuses on Nature Signs HOT SPRINGS, S.D. – Kids age 7-12 will have one more opportunity this summer to take part in a free nature day camp at Angostura Recreation Area. Activities at the final day camp for the summer, held Wednesday, Aug. 16, from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., will focus on signs of nature. Participants will explore Angostura in search of tracks on trails, fur rubbed on trees, burrows in the ground, and other forms of wildlife sightings. "The June and July camps were a great success and offered an assortment of fun and educational activities,” said Willy Collignon, Park Manager. “The August camp will expose participants to the sightings of wildlife, even without actually witnessing the critters. This event is great for the late summer season, since many forms of wildlife are not seen during the day." Programs will take place at the Jost Shelter House (Shelter House #2) near Breakers Beach. Participants should dress for the weather, bring sunscreen and water, and be within the age group of 7-12. Children under the age of 7 are welcome to attend, however a parent/guardian is required to remain with them during the programs. The camp is free, but reservations are required. Reservations can be made by contacting Angostura Recreation Area at (605) 745-6996. Limited transportation is also available from Hot Springs; interested participants should contact the park office for more details. In addition to the day camp, naturalist programs are offered in Horsehead and Cascade Campgrounds each Saturday and Sunday during August. The topics differ each weekend and are geared for families with children. Scheduled topics for August include fish prints, rattlesnake crafts, bison and the American Indian, nature crafts for birds, papermaking and GPS for beginners. For more information on the day camp, and the programming schedule through Labor Day weekend, please visit Angostura Recreation Area on the web at www.SDparks.info or contact the park office at (605) 745-6996. -GFP- Fort Sisseton Celebrates Anniversary with Family Fun, Education LAKE CITY, S.D. – To celebrate its 142nd anniversary, Fort Sisseton Historic State Park near Lake City is hosting the annual Fort Sisseton Anniversary Celebration on Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 12 and 13. During the weekend, visitors can enjoy kite flying, canoeing on Kettle Lake, horse-drawn wagon rides and croquet at the park. Costumed staff will highlight life at the 19th-century military outpost and the blacksmith and carpenter will give demonstrations. Activities will be held from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on both Saturday and Sunday. In addition, special demonstrations will be held on both Saturday and Sunday. Guests can observe old-fashioned wool carding and weaving in the Commanding Officer’s Quarters, have their silhouette drawn by Fort staff, or visit with the Post carpenter and assist him in making rope. Or, stop by for a tasty treat as the park staff demonstrates outdoor cooking with a Dutch Oven. A display will also feature the latest in fashion, circa 1880. There is no cost to participate in the weekend’s events, although a park entrance license is required. For additional information, contact Fort Sisseton State Historic Park at (605) 448-5474 or email FortSisseton@state.sd.us . The Anniversary Celebration is one of many special events held throughout the year at the fort. Upcoming events include the Fort Sisseton Wagon Train Weekend in September, the Fall Frolic in October, and the Frontier Christmas in December. The park is open year-round and features guided interpretive tours and a number of historical displays. For more information on Fort Sisseton Historic State Park or for a calendar of events, visit SD state parks online at www.SDparks.info .
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