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Is a Revival
Coming? Sept. 12 /Christian Newswire/ Preachers tell us that a great revival is coming. That is possible, but if it does, it will not be because of some watered down message. It won’t come as a result of a disaster either, as evidenced by the aftermath of 911. People got scared out of their wits, and started going to church. Everyone was looking for God because they thought the end was coming. Nevertheless, since that time people have gone back to their normal selves; ignoring God and his word, and seeking only to feel good. We have been so busy entertaining ourselves, and going through the motions that we have totally forgotten about personal witnessing. As a result, society has become more corrupt over time. People are walking past us every day that are on their way to condemnation, and we know it, but do nothing, and yet we somehow expect a great revival to come. A true revival will come only if all Christians get up off of their rear ends, burn their idols, quit worshiping people, trash their religious paraphernalia, stop their whining and bickering, fire the money hustlers, say good riddance to their false preacher, learn of Jesus Christ, use their faith, humble themselves before God, and take it upon themselves to proclaim the true gospel to every person on earth! The United States was founded on Christian principals, but we are the good kid gone bad, and a lack of true teaching from the church is responsible for it. God is more than capable of dealing with us as a nation. God bless America? He once did because of what we were, but now we will be lucky if he doesn’t allow us to be taken over by a tyrannical government to show us what Satan is really like. Don’t think it can’t happen. Rome fell for two main reasons; decline in moral values and political corruption. The church could make the difference if it would do what it is suppose to do. The church should be the source of true teaching and morality in this country, but it needs to change its direction. Only then God will have mercy upon us. We will never be able to reform the world, but we can evangelize it, and the time is now, while we still can.
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