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Pelosi Urged to Reconsider Embryonic Stem Cell Bill in Light of New Discovery

Stem cells from amniotic fluid show greater potential than embryonic stem cells


WASHINGTON, Jan. 8 /Christian Newswire/ -- Groundbreaking scientific advances in stem cell research released today by Nature Biotechnology may resolve the decade-old moral dilemma concerning the destruction innocent human life in order to procure highly valued stem cells. The new discovery of pluripotent stem cells in amniotic fluid, has the potential of removing all ethical debate from stem cell research funding.

The article is the culmination of seven years of research by scientists from Harvard and Wake Forrest School of Medicine. According to researchers, the stem cell lines derived from amniotic fluid have greater potential for good than do stem cells derived from human embryos, all without the loss of life.

Benefits to the use of cells derived from amniotic fluid are numerous. These stem cell lines can be grown in large quantities, do not require the use of “feeder” cells usually derived from animal tissue, and do not produce tumors, a common side effect of stem cells derived from the destruction of live human embryos. The report went on to say that an easily procured line of about 100,000 cells would satisfy 99% of all research needs without the deaths of human beings at their earliest stages of development.

“This new science has been able to isolate every type of stem cell needed for therapy and healing medicine without the moral concern for loss of innocent life that has alarmed Christians,” said Troy Newman of Operation Rescue.

“Based upon this stunning new revelation, we strongly recommend that Speaker Nancy Pelosi refrain from moving forward in her plans to fund the highly controversial embryonic stem cell research. This new medical technology values life while it promises the prospect of superior medical results. It gives science the opportunity to move forward without the moral and ethical objections now associated with live human embryonic experimentation,” stated Rev. Patrick Mahoney of the Christian Defense Coalition.

Rev. Mahoney, along with leaders from Operation Rescue, National Clergy Council, and Generation Life are currently drafting a letter concerning this subject that will be presented to Speaker Pelosi later this week.

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