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New Christian Drama Series '7th Street Theater' Airing on TBN

Weekly series shows Christian actors living out their faith

LOS ANGELES, Mar. 7 /Christian Newswire/ -- Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), America's most watched faith channel, is airing an exciting new drama series, the first ever for Christian television. "7th Street Theater," written and produced by veteran moviemaker Dave Christiano ("Me and You, Us, Forever", "Late One Night", and "Pamela's Prayer") is the weekly story of five Christian actors and their efforts to live out their faith in a transparent and vital way.

"The goal of this series was, first and foremost, to present characters that were Christians" said Christiano, who relied on a team of talented and seasoned actors to bring the episodes to life. "There has never been a show in the history of broadcasting where characters freely talked about Jesus and His word like they do in this one."

While the names of "7th Street Theater's" cast members won't ring any bells for most viewers, Christiano emphasized that they turn in top-rate performances. "This is an extremely talented group of actors," he said, "who play a number of different characters within the series. It's a unique format that allowed the actors to display their abilities and as a result, present characters I feel strongly viewers will enjoy watching."

That talented cast of regulars on "7th Street Theater" includes Josh Gaffga, Hugh McLean, Johanna Jowett, Stacey J. Aswad, Shane Willimon, and Jack Kelly.

Christiano noted that the weekly drama series, the first of its kind on Christian television, is debuting on one of the world's largest television networks. "TBN is a worldwide stage and a great number of people will be able to receive the program," he said. "I'm very pleased about that."

Susan Zahn, an expert in faith-based media, noted that there is an ever-increasing demand for all types of family-friendly and inspirational programming. "'7th Street Theater' is an example of the clean, quality television that is being produced to fill that demand," she said. "And TBN is taking the lead in getting these shows to largest audience possible."

"7th Street Theater" can be seen on TBN every Saturday at 8 p.m. (PST). To find out more about the show, log on to www.7thstreettheater.com.

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