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Essay Competition Aims to Inspire Discussion of the Bible


HOLLYWOOD, Fla., April 12 /Christian Newswire/ --A literary challenge aimed at inspiring national discussion and renewed appreciation of the Bible's teachings of Wisdom has been launched via the Internet by Biblical board game makers, Jawbone Productions.

"The vital question, who wrote the Bible and the Devine inspiration behind its writings have been debated for centuries. We're offering a simpler comment and online challenge which contends that from a grammatical perspective, no book has ever been written like the Bible," said Jawbone Productions Founder and President Wesley Sampson.

In support of its contention Jawbone Productions has launched a $10,000 literary search and essay competition here.

"The competition focuses attention on the New Testament and in particular the Gospel according to St. John," Sampson said. "Contestants are first required to find a letter or essay, on any subject, similar in length and construction to the reverse comprehension as found in 1st John. The 2600 to 3000 words document must have been published in English between 1000 BC and 2000 A.D. Contestants are simultaneously challenged to write an essay on the subject of the Seven Pillars of Wisdom as revealed by King Solomon and celebrated in our board game INHERITANCE®. As with 1st John, submissions should be readable in the reverse, sentence by sentence while communicating the same message as when read normally. Our literary competition will further establish that the Bible cannot be replicated," Sampson said.


Designed by Jawbone Productions, a company with a mission to develop games that elevate the mind and spirit, INHERITANCE is a board game set in the land of Ancient Israel and based on the territories of the tribes during the reign of King Solomon. Players trade, hug each other, pay tithes and make offerings for the poor as the strategy to success. The inheritance of the promised Kingdom is learned as the winner, ascending to the center of the board, likened unto the New Jerusalem, rings the game bell and announces "Worthy is the lamb" celebrating Christ as the Lamb of God. (Rev. 5:11). Everyone wins, for as it is written; "Happy is the man who finds wisdom" (Prov.3:13).

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