Broadcast Television Premier of Epic
Motion Picture 'One Night With The King'
Press Conference by President Bush (Part 1
of 2)
Press Conference by President Bush (Part 2
of 2)
Jackson, Mississippi Attempts to
Criminalize Christianity
A Second New Life Church Leader Resigns
Inaugural Ball Tickets Are Unique Gift Idea
President Bush's Remarks at Ceremony
Honoring Medal of Freedom Recipients
President Bush's Hanukkah Message
Number on Death Row Declines for Fifth
CWA Releases Naughty and Nice List for
Christmas Shopping
Text of President Bush's Radio Address
Abortion Clinic Administrator Arrested
Group Advises Skepticism Toward Climate
Change Claims
Thune Announces New Mission for Ellsworth
CMA Doctors Urge Passage of Informed
Consent Bill on Fetal Pain
First Amendment Poll Reveals Powerful
Evidence of America's Desire for Religion and Values
Brookings Company Expands, Adds 50 Jobs
Statement by Saddleback Valley Community
Church Regarding Senator Barack Obama
American Legion Calls on Congressman
Rangel to Apologize
Experts Say Christians Should Provide
Clear Leadership on Preparedness
Free 2007 Calendars Feature Soybean Artwork
Governor announces Free flu shots for South
Dakota toddlers, preschoolers
Pro-Life Groups Rally for Embryo-Death
South Dakota Capitol Christmas Tree
Lighting Ceremony
New Service Gives Shoppers a Choice in
War on Christmas
Operation Save Wal-Mart
Marine Corps Takes Jesus Dolls
"The Nativity Story" Puts Christ Back
into Christmas
Rapid City educator receives national
Operation Rescue Agrees with O'Reilly
Christian Organizations Discuss Strategy:
Reaching Out to Newly Elected Democratic Congress Members
Pro-Life Campaign Continues in South
South Dakota Family Policy Council
Morality in Media Compiles News Articles
to Rebut Media Arguments That Swearing is Harmless Fun
Midterm Elections: Now More Than Ever
Pro-Family Election Results a Mixed Bag
in South Dakota
South Dakota Election Results -
South Dakotans Tackle Busy Ballot Today
Cecelia Fire Thunder and Stephanie Herseth
Cut From the Same Mold
Today at US Capitol: Prayer Vigil for
Mount Rushmore Rally: The Rocks Cry Out
Last-Ditch Smear Campaign Sign of
Rushmore Rally on November 4th!
Abstinence Education Vindicated and
Waxman Report Discredited
The Tales of Two South Dakota Men: If
Abortion Had Been Legal Then...
Vital Statistics: An Official Look at
South Dakota Abortions
Niece of Martin Luther King, Jr. Urges
Pro-life Voting
South Dakotans Fund Majority of
VoteYesForLife.com Campaign
Video Lottery: South Dakota’s Stealth
Addiction...for People and Government
Whalen to Tour and Speak in the Southern
Threat to Young Girls' Safety Exposed by
Secret Tapes
Election Night!
Human Life International Praises
Nicaragua’s Unanimous Vote to Ban All Abortions
VoteYesForLife.com Inspired by Poll
Marriage, Abortion Ban, Video Lottery
Repeal Supporters Rally in Pierre
VoteYesForLife.com Releases New Ad: Former
Abortionist Condemns Abortion
New Jersey Supreme Court Shows Contempt
Toward Marriage
Ads with Ultrasound Images Coming to South
Dakota TV
CMA Doctors: South Dakota Abortion Law
Parallels Scientific Understanding
Former Faith-Based Initiative Leader
Refutes David Kuo's CBS '60 Minutes' Interview
CWA's Crouse Says Death of Marriage
Alan Keyes to Speak at Series of Rallies
in South Dakota
Kansas House Rep. Vaughn Flora Charged
in Cockroach Clash
Dr. Laurence White: The Sin of Silence
Abortion Industry Exploits Church
Against South Dakota Abortion Ban
Alan Keyes Keynote Speaker at South
Dakota Election Rallies
World Congress of Families Blasts
European Homeschooling Ban
Major Pro-Life and Pro-Family
Organizations in Illinois Criticize New Parental Notification Act
Women Who Regret Abortion Respond to Ms.
South Dakota State House Leader: "I fully
support Referred Law 6"
Bruce Whalen Supports Republican Majority
Stand True Announces Third Annual Students'
Day of Silent Solidarity Against Abortion
Persecution of Christians Pervasive
Across the Muslim World
Komen Foundation Meets with Colorado
Right to Life on Abortion Breast Cancer Link
President Bush Discusses No Child Left
More Pro-Life Vandalism in Brookings
African American Pro-life Organization
Holds Summit For Life In Philadelphia
HLI Responds to Reports that Foley was
Victim of Sexual Molestation by Clergyman
CWA Appalled at Ms. Magazine's 'We Had
Abortions' Campaign
Ms. Magazine's 'We Had Abortions'
Campaign Saddens National Black Pro-Life Union
Exclusive Interview with U.S. House of
Representatives Candidate Bruce Whalen
Pro-Choice Rhetoric Leads to Violence
against Pregnant Women and Children
Federal Grant Awarded for Embryo
Adoption Awareness Campaign
New Movie 'I Flunked Sunday School'
Hitting Big Screen via Unique Marketing Strategy
Statement on the Foley Scandal
Abortion Records Help Convict Child
Healthy Birth Conference 2006
Opponents Charge: South Dakota Marriage
Amendment Will Harm Heterosexuals
CWA Commends Congress for Not Taking a
Governor Schwarzenegger Terminates Last
Piece of Marriage
South Dakota Abortion Ban in Statistical
Tie for Passage
"Red Letter" Pseudo-Evangelicals try to
Mislead America
Alcohol/DUI Bracelets Implemented in
South Dakota
South Dakota Vietnam Memorial Book/DVD
Family Day, 2006; By the President of the
United States of America
Who Is Our Enemy? -- Comments on Censoring
of Navy Chaplain
Zogby Poll: South Dakota Amendment E (JAIL)
Support at 67%
Gianna Jessen Speaks in Rapid City on
Friday 9/22
Terri Schiavo Family Says Ellen Goodman
Op/Ed "Morally Misguided"
South Dakota Stockgrowers Back Ferret
Pro Life Democrats Endorse Lincoln Davis
Abortion Reduction Bill at Press Conference Today
Doctor: "I've never come across a case in
which a woman needed an abortion"
Opposition to South Dakota Abortion Ban
Goes Negative, Deceptive
Native Americans Vital Part of
VoteYesForLife.com Campaign
VoteYesForLife.com Joins in Thanking
Vietnam Veterans
Allan Carlson Addresses Same-Sex Marriage
Bruce Whalen to cut the ribbon at Rapid
City Campaign Headquarters September 14
Pro-life Group Helps Get Abortionist's
License Revoked
Will Islam be the New World Order
Sexual Assault Survivors Dispute Referred
Law 6 (HB 1215) Opponents
Congressional "Secularist" Quotient
The 300 Millionth American is Coming
Is a Revival Coming?
Flooding Devastates Thousands of
Villages in India
Media and Scientists Say
'Vegetative Brain Shows Surprising Activity'
National Religious Group Eyes Elections
SDSMA Attempt to Change Abortion Ban
Position Blocked
Flags to Fly at Half-Staff for September
Rape and Incest Victims Don't Want
Abortions, Say It Doesn't Help Women
President Discusses Global War on Terror
Vandals Deface Brookings Pro-Life
Abortions Stopped at Daytona Beach
14th Annual International Week of Prayer
& Fasting, Oct 1-10, 2006
Life and Liberty Tells Personal Stories
of Abortion
Pastors and Churches Make a Difference
in Marriage Initiatives and Political Campaigns
New Horizons Computer Learning Centers of
Rapid City, South Dakota Doubles Space
Pro Life Display, Church Vandalized in
Previous Headlines...
